Saturday, August 15, 2015

Packing Tips!

Hey y'all!
I am about to embark on one last vacation this summer to the Jersey Shore!!! I'm so excited!! Every year, my family and I take one week long trip to the beach. Last year we went to Cape Charles, VA and it was the best vacation I ever took! I actually didn't want to leave and tried to convince my parents to let us move there (didn't work...). This year we're heading down to LBI and I've never been there but I hear its quite amazing lol! Anyways in the mist of packing for it, I have come up with a couple tips to make packing for you a lot easier. I am the world's biggest over packer and I always try to find ways to stay as organized as possible so that it doesn't happen! I hope you enjoy and use some of the tips yourself!

Tip #1: Make a Master List:

For this tip, basically just start off with any old loose leaf paper or notebook and section it off into different, smaller lists. Its ok if you end up using more pieces of paper, its just so that everything stays together in one place! The smaller lists are so that you write exactly what you want to bring for your travel/car bag, makeup, jewelry, and even clothes!

Tip #2: Layout Outfits by Days:

While packing, it can become really easy to over pack if you don't know exactly what you want to bring. One of the sections I make in the master list is for this specifically. I write out each day that I will be gone and then plan outfits from there.

Then before I put all the clothes in my suitcase, I take smaller pieces of paper and write the days on those. Then I lay the outfits out according to my lists and then lay the smaller paper on top of the outfits. If I'm missing anything because it's in the wash, then I write what it is on the same paper and it helps me remember to pack it once its done. I don't actually wear each outfit on the days that I plan them out, its mostly to stay organize and know that you have one outfit per day!

Tip #3: Plan Makeup/Jewelry After Laying Out Outfits:

When I make the lists for my makeup and jewelry, I always just cover the basics. For example, for makeup, I know I'm always going to take my primer, BB cream, concealers, powders etc. For jewelry, I also know I'm always going to take my Alex and Ani bracelets. I can't always plan out the whole thing until I know what outfits I'm bringing. I don't know if I'll need a statement necklace or eye shadow to make an outfit complete unless I know what that outfit is!

Tip #4: Ranger Roll your shirts!!!

I literally learn how to ranger roll last night lol. Its honestly a huge space saver! You basically roll up your shirts or any piece of clothing; I couldn't figure it out for my shorts haha. A lot of people who are in the Army do it when their packing. It keeps your clothes from getting wrinkled as well! I learned how from this video !!! For the rest of my clothes, I just rolled them normally.

Tip #4: List things missing the night before so you don't forget!

The night before I leave is always crazy. Somethings are not done in the wash or I can't pack certain items, like my toothbrush and toothpaste, because I will need it in the morning. What I do is I take a post it note or a notepad and write exactly what I still need. This includes any clothes that I am missing like a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, chargers, etc, etc. Then before I go to sleep, I stick the list to the back of my phone case because I know I’m going to look at my phone when I get up the next morning!

Enjoy and have fun :D

Travel bag: Tiny Tulips Monograms (Long Champ)
Duffle bag: Vera Bradley, Ribbons
Makeup bag: Clinique
Jewelry bag: Mary Kay
Phone case: Lilly Pulitzer ;)

I hope y'all enjoyed!!!! Make sure to follow me on insta for vacation pics!!
Love, Kat

Follow me on:
Twitter: @kat_wypasek
Insta: @kat_wypasek
Pinterest: @kat_wypasek 

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