Friday, August 26, 2016

Update | Where Have I Been???

Hey y'all!!!

So I've been a little MIA the last month... I apologize! I have had A LOT of things going on which I'll discuss later, but I'm backkkkkk! So anyways, where have I been this last month???

WELL, I left home at the end of July. Why so early? We went on vacation to North Carolina so my parents thought that once vacation was over, they would just drop me off in South Carolina for good. So for the last few weeks of July, I was getting together all my stuff for school, running last minute errands, and visiting with people who I won't see for the next few months. The day we left was really hard, mostly because I knew I wasn't coming back to Jersey. But, as the day went on, it got better.

We went to Lake Lure, NC for our annual fam vacay. But to be honest, we are not lake people, or mountain people haha. It was very nice, and pretty, but we probably won't be going back to a lake... While we were there, we mostly relaxed outside, watching a ton of movies (there was no wifi), and we also visited the Biltmore House! And OMG THAT PLACE IS AMAZING!!!!! I am like a hugeeee Downton Abbey fan and it was literally the American Downton Abbey. I was just completely in awe of the whole place. It was so beautiful!!! Here are a few pictures from the lake and Biltmore:

I was glad that I had the last week with my family but I was really upset when they left. To be honest its still kind of hard to talk about, I just miss them so much!! But a few days after they left, I went on another vacation with my friends! We went to Oak Island, NC and stayed there for a few days. We went to the beach and got totally burnt haha. One of the days we were there we went to Myrtle Beach, which was like an hour away. It was sooooooo hot and we parked really far away from the "strip". On our walk to the strip, we stopped and got henna tattoos. Currently, even though they are supposed to last for a month, is almost gone :( . Then we got lunch and did shopping. However, when we decided to walk back, we walked in along the water. It was nice until the very end when the sand literally was burning our feet :(((. Besides getting burnt, we all had the best time. It was soooooo much fun!!! Here are some pictures from that vacation:

Then three days after we got back from the beach, we moved in!!!!! We are currently staying in one of the apartment dorms on campus and its been really fun!! Move in day was rough though; it was sooooo hot and we are on the third floor. But its ok now, we're having the best time!! Heres a pic of my side of the room:

Today, as Im writing this, I have just finished an entire week of class. Its been so busy but I'm glad because it gives me something to do besides watch Netflix all day haha. Anyways, so thats where I've been! Hopefully, Ill get on a more concrete schedule and start posting things more frequently!

I hope you all enjoy your last few weeks of summer and if you have started, have a good semester!!

Love, Kat

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