Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"Me Before You" | Book Review

Hey y'all!!

So sorry that there has been a post lately; I've been so busy with school and work that I haven't found the time to just sit and right a post! I think everything's going to start calming down soon but I wanted to get this post out as soon as possible. So as you can tell by the title that this is my review of "Me Before You". I just want to start off by saying that this book is AMAZING!!!! It's romantic, comedic, and heartbreaking. I read a lot of Nicholas Sparks books (almost every one he has every written) and this is very similar but a refreshing difference in it. I took me a little less than a week to finish but that is just because I read slow and I had school work to get done.

This is a story of a young woman named Louisa. She lost her job and while searching for another one, she finds a job listing for a caregiver for a disabled man, named Will. He became a quadparelgic after an accident two years before the story takes place. Its a story their six months together with all the ups and downs that go along with it. Will also has something planned at the end of these six months which I will not reveal to you (#nospoilers).

I originally was interested to read this book because I saw the trailer for the movie that comes out in June. I literally cried while watching the trailer so I figured it must be good. Anddddd it was! It takes a lot for me to cry in any book, movie, TV show, etc. This was one of those stories that did the trick. I cried reading the last few pages, so that is how I know it was a good book. There were many scenes in the book that were also in the trailer which I hope that that is a good indication that the movie is closely related. I really hate it when the movies aren't the same as the book (sadly the case of many Nicholas Sparks movies that I think just followed the book loosely).

I really recommend you read this whenever you get the chance too. I just want to reread it but I've lent it to a few friends haha.

Be sure to check out my social media sites on the right side bar! Hope you are all having a fantastic day wherever you are!

Love, Kat

1 comment:

  1. i just follow your blog.nice work <3
