Friday, January 15, 2016

First Week of Spring Semester!

Hey y'all!

I wanted to share a some thoughts on my first week of the spring semester with y'all. Its been sort of a tough, exhausting week to be honest. I left home on Saturday which was really rough. I was running late to the airport and I was already upset about leaving home. By the time I got up to go through security, my plane was starting to board. I basically ran to get to my gate before they left without me. I had a massive panic attack as well. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't stop crying. It was awful, just saying. I've never been actually diagnosed with anxiety or panic attacks but I get so stressed out that it just happens. Luckily I did get on the plane but it took me a while to actually calm down and relax. My cousins picked me up from the airport which I'm so grateful that they did! I was so exhausted that day that I got the best night sleep ever haha!

The weekend past and then Monday rolled around. I'm taking 5 classes this semester: Political Science, the next requirement for my Sociology major, Anthropology, Math, and English. I think that its going to be a good semester. My classes seem good and I like all my teachers. I was scared the first day of my Sociology class because the professor seemed scary, but actually she's really nice! Soon I'll have a how I organize my planner post up for y'all! I'm excited for that haha.

So far this week I've just been trying to get back into my routine of classes and work. I've been hanging out with friends and seeing some of the family members that live near my school. I think thats really important if you don't go to a school near home. Hanging out with your friends or other family members really help with the transitioning of leaving home and coming back to school. At least for me it does. I'll also have some tips on surviving your first year at college post soon!

Be sure to check out my social medias on the right side bar so you know when I post something new!

Good luck to all that are start their spring semester or just starting school back in general!


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