Friday, December 18, 2015

Clemson Game Day Experience!

Hey y'all!

So almost every Saturday for the past few months I have been attending the Clemson football games!  I wanted to share my experience, tips, and a few pictures from the games! So first lets begin with how I got the tickets. Over the summer, my sisters got to go to a concert that I really did not want to go to. So, to make up for that, my mom got me 2 tickets for every home game this season! The games were a lot of fun but getting there, getting up to the seats, and getting home probably was the most stressful part. The traffic is ALWAYS backed up because over 80,000 people attend every game. Then the general parking lot is this grassy lot that is about 1.5 miles from the actual stadium. My seats were at the HIGHEST point of the steappest part of the stadium. So lets just say, my feet always hurt after every game haha!

Another kind of stressful part was the fact that I missed 3 games. It rained for 2 of them and I really did not want to walk and sit in the rain. The last game I missed was because I had a concussion and wasn't allowed to do any sort of physical activity. Anddd all 3 of those games were really big opponents: Notre Dame, Georgia Tech, and Florida State. But other than that, I did truly have fun! Its fun to do all the Clemson cheers and listen to the band. Of course, the best part was when they run down the hill! Its a Clemson tradition; the players touch Howard's Rock from Death Valley, California, and then run down the hill! The band plays, balloons fly everywhere, and its just so cool!

Here are a few pictures from some of the games:

This one is from the Boston College game. This is where they run down the Hill and the balloons go flying, like I said above!

This one is from the App State game. This were just paper fans that they were handing out because it was very, very, hot lol!

This one is from the Wake Forest game. It was Senior Day, Military Appreciation Day and the last home game of the season! This is just the program from the game with the other side of the field in the background!!

This is also from the Wake Forest game. During the warmer months, I would wear my Clemson t-shirt and shorts with Converses. Since this game was in November, I had to dress warmly lol! Im wearing my Clemson hat, sweatshirt with a Clemson tee underneath, jeans from Delia's, boots from Nine West, blanket scarf from Target, and purse from Kohl's.

This is also from the Wake Forest game. Its just of the action on the field! Haha!

Here is another one from the App State game. During the half time show, the band plays and spells out "Clemson"!

Another one from the Wake Forest game. My friend and I moved down from our seats toward the end  to get closer to the field but they were still playing haha!

This is also from the Wake Forest game. After every game, the fans, band, cheerleaders, coaches, and players meet in the middle of the field. Its like one giant party after a good win!

Here is the last photo of the post! It's from the App State game. As I mention in the previous picture, the players stay on the field. They sign autographs and take pictures with the fans! This is me with one of the players!!

I hope you enjoyed this post about my experience! I really did enjoy the games and I can't wait to see if they make it to the National Championships!! Don't forget to check out my social medias on the right side bar!!

Andddddd last thing:


Love, Kat

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