Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Freshman Year | Review

Hey y'all!

About over a week ago, I had my last day of freshman year. It's crazy to think that I'm officially a sophomore in college! I wanted to give kind of like a review/recap of my freshman year for you guys.   Its been a crazy year and I just want to reflect on all that happened!

I attend a very small university in South Carolina, which is the same university my mom went to for her undergrad. I think that that is part of the reason why I picked it, was because she went there. A lot of people knew her and I actually got a job working with one of the people she worked for so I felt at home. Also I had like a ton of family around so that wasn't a problem haha! However, where my school is is completely different from where I live in New Jersey. It was pretty much a culture shock. There was no bagels (unless you got the "fake" bagels from Walmart) and the cafe didn't cook pasta 24/7 like my high school did. So that was pretty much a huge shock haha.

My first semester was pretty easy to be honest. I made really good grades and everything. I really enjoyed being there. However, the second semester was really rough. I was really stressed out because my grades were really bad at the beginning. Eventually, it did get better and I pretty much made it out of there with almost the same grades as the first one. It was just really stressful and eventually I got sick from all the stress. It like lasted a month and I still feel sick, its crazy. Even though it was a rough semester, I still had fun. I met my best friends over the course of the year. We went on so many adventures like to Greenville and the rodeo. I even rode a mechanical bull! We're all going to live in the on-campus apartments next year and I'm so excited!!!

Even though I had a rough ending to my freshman year, I wouldn't have changed a thing. It has been the most amazing experience and I'm so grateful that I got to experience it!

Be sure to check out my social medias on the right so you never miss a post!!

Love, Kat


  1. YASSSSS, miss and love you!Can't wait for next year!

    1. MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU TOOOOO!!!!!! same girl!!!! <3
