Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Bucket List

Hey y'all!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I think that its so crazy how much can change in one year. This time last year, I was getting acceptance letters to colleges and worrying about the end of senior year. Now, I have already finished my first semester in college and excited to start my second one. Time just flies by! Before I get into this post, I want to share with you my new hair!!!

My hair has been growing long for a very long time. I don't think its been this short since I was in 5th grade haha. It was getting to the point where it was just to long to do anything. It kept getting knotty underneath and every time I would put it in a top knot, I would have a headache from how heavy it was. It was 26 inches before I cut it and now its 17! I have a love hate relationship with it though; I miss my long hair but I love it short too! Its so much more easier to brush and maintain now. Maybe I'll do a short hairstyles post soon??

Back to the actual reason for this post haha, I wanted to share some of the things on my 2016 bucket list! I figured bucket list are much more fun to create rather than a resolution's list. These are things that I know I want to accomplish this year, but I will be okay with not getting to all of them. At the end of the year, I'll do a review post on what I actually did end up accomplishing! Anyways, here's my list:

1. Blog More

I think that I really will accomplish this haha. I created a new blogging schedule for the new year which I think will help me become more organized. A new blog post will go up every Tuesday from now on!

2. Exercise more/be more healthy

I really want to make an effort to do this. I am totally a lazy person but I want to feel better. I think that by doing simple exercises and trying to eat healthier foods will help me accomplish this. I don't want to do this to loose weight but I want to be more active and healthier than I have been.

3. Take a Road Trip

This one I hope will definitely be accomplished. I plan on driving back from South Carolina to New Jersey at the end of the spring semester but by myself. I think it will be fun!

4. Learn how to surf

I think that surfing is the most amazing thing ever. I love the beach and the ocean so much that I just want to learn how to surf. This has always been something that I want to learn so hopefully, I'll get the chance to learn this year!

5. Go to more concerts

I've been to 4 concerts but two of them, Hunter Hayes only played 3 song each time haha. I want to go see him this year if he's going on tour or any country singer too!

6. Just live in the moment

Most of the time last year, I was too worried about what people thought but this year, I don't want to worry about that. I'm happy with who I am, where I am, and what I'm doing. I am going to focus on myself this year and be the best me I can. I don't care what people think anymore. I'm going to do me and they can do them, and if they don't like that, then thats their problem.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope that you come up with your own 2016 bucket list!! Be sure to check out my social medias in the box on the right, that way you will always know when I post something new!

Love you all!


  1. Happy new year! I love number 6 :)

    1. Happy new year to you too!!! Thank you!!! :D
